Thursday, April 2, 2009

I.R.S B.S.

The Oregon Dept. of Revenue is attempting to withhold our childcare tax credit for our 2008 taxes.  They want verification of this and that to prove that we were both working throughout the entire to justify paying for childcare.  How do we prove that I was "working" from home while preparing to open our business?  How do I provide proof of the estimated $125,000 worth of duties that a stay at home mom's job is worth per year?  Chef, housekeeper, bookkeeper, babysitter, entertainer, educator, and all you moms know I could go on and on and on.  24/7 with no overtime pay.  Take Mom's Salary Test here to find out how much your mom job is worth.  Who do we complain to?  Is it worth it?  
I'll end here with a post of Grandma Wilson and her 5, count 'em, 5!!!! boys.  I've been learning more about her life lately and meeting some of my long lost 2nd and 3rd cousins from her side of the family through Facebook.  Lord only knows how much she would have earned taking care of those rascals.  And they were definitely rascals.  My daddy's the one on the left.