Saturday, January 24, 2009


As I sit here with my fingers frozen to the bone I 'm searching for sunny, summertime pics to warm me up. Here are a few of our summer at the beach. This was Gavin's first time and yes, he wanted to eat the sand

Friday, January 23, 2009


The greatest country in the world!  
What an amazing feeling- to be hopeful again.
Through my tears of joy, I couldn't help but notice over the course
 of the past few months, a slight resemblance between the (would you
call them the "Second Family"?) V.P. and wife to a certain
couple in my family...
Judge for yourself-

Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill.

My dad, Mike Leonard, and his wife, Debbie.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My new 'do

Here it is-my new cut.  I went shorter than usual in the back.  Going for the asymmetrical bob.  I go back and forth between wanting to grow it out and keeping it short.  Short is just so easy.  Anyway, gotta' go-  I have a date with Jack Bauer.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today's list

Things I'm loving right now:

  • Nerf- because when I'm sitting on the floor putting my shoes on and Gavin runs up to me to throw a ball at my head it doesn't hurt.
  • Seneca Crispy Apple Chips- "Yumm-o!" (to quote one of my favorite foodies-Rachael Ray).  You must try the Gingerbread and the Cinnamon flavor.  Supposedly healthier for you than regular chips, but still a lot of fat. 
  • my new haircut- I think Gennie got it right.  pics coming soon...
  • Jack Bauer- 24 returns tomorrow night!  Then American Idol next week.  OMG, life as I know it is over.  My nights will no longer be mine.