Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pink Underwear

Seems like overnight Breanna has become a different girl.  As I unload her clothes from the dryer I reach into the sea of colors:  hot pink, florescent orange, key lime, sunshine yellow- and that's just one pair of underwear!  Boy shorts.  I think she knows they are going to peek out when she sits down so she wants to make sure they're cute.  I make her do the "sit test" in the dressing room before I "o.k." a pair of jeans.  "Crack kills" as she would say.  

She wants to switch her elective from leadership to art.  Chuck and I feel it's very important for her to stay in leadership.  She has had many great opportunities as a result of this class and while art would be beneficial, we want her to stay put.  Is it up to us?  How much freedom should she have with her schedule?
Chuck took her to mass Ash Wed. morning and then dropped her off  at school with a big cross on her forehead.  She came home trying to convince me that she sweat it off in P.E.  

The girl eats like a horse.  Loves to eat.  Nonstop.  She's on an oatmeal kick lately.  Like twice a day- big bowl of oats with frozen blueberries and brown sugar.  

She wore leg warmers to school today.  Leg warmers with skinny jeans and slippers.  She's asking when she'll be allowed to wear make-up. 

I had to ask her yesterday to stay downstairs with us.  All of a sudden, when she gets home from school she goes straight to her room and stays there (reading the Twilight series).  She comes down for dinner and unless American Idol or 24 is on she goes back up for the rest of the night.  I told her we miss hanging out with her.   

She told me tonight that she and her best friend, Lyubov, want to get a job at Subway when they turn 14.  

I wonder every day if I'm doing everything I can to be sure she has good memories of growing up.  What type of person will she remember me as?  Supportive and happy or bitchy and exhausted?  

She doesn't realize that I play dumb more often than not so she can believe she's smarter than I am.  This way I can catch her more easily when she tries to get away with things.  I can read every facial expression she makes and I KNOW immediately when she's lying to me.  Usually her conscience gets the best of her and she confesses without me having to push.

She was 4 and a half years old when Chuck came on the scene and convinced me that I should not be friends with my kids.  I didn't quite get that at the time.  Now I can see where there should be a line drawn.  That's not to say that we aren't "friendly" with them, just that we (and they) understand our role is as parents. 

She is a wonderful girl, daughter, big sister.  She relishes her role as "sis".  It's just amazing to watch her love for her brothers.  Genuine, pure love.  

I'm such a proud mama.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Gabriel asked me today, very casually while eating lunch, "Mom, why do people's hearts stop beating?"  Rather than blurt out the first thing that came to my mind, "Because everyone has to die at some point", I took a moment to form my response in my head.  "Probably because God needed them in Heaven."  "Why?" was of course, the next obvious question.  "I don't know", I said (which I realize I'm using way too often lately which makes him usually defer to Chuck for the answer).  "Maybe because he needs a new angel."  He pondered that for a moment, then between bites of his egg burrito said, "I hope I go to Heaven."  "You will,"  I assured him.  "Do you know how I know you'll go to Heaven?"  I asked him.  "How?" he asked.   "Because you were baptized,"  I said.  A grin came across his face, then a split second later dissipated when he realized he'd thought of something.  "But you're not," he said.   "Yes I am.  Remember when I was baptized at BCC? (Beaverton Christian Church)"  "Oh yeah, " he replied,  "Just not in the Catholic church."

     Gabe takes being Catholic very seriously.  He prays the Rosary with Chuck at bedtime and goes to mass occasionally.   He has many gifts that were given to him when he was baptized such as his cute, very colorful fat-beaded rosary from Tom and Kayleen, lots of children's bible stories, etc...  And oh, his dinnertime prayers are so sweet!  "And God, we thank you for this wonderful dinner inspired by Mommy.  And for all the people who are hungry and cold, we hope they have food and warmth.  And that's all I want to say.  In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fox Channel 12

So we ditched Dish Network and now only get local channels.  Totally fine by us- the only one who's really ticked is Gabe because we're cut off from SpongeBob.  He's learning to color and play ball instead like 6 year old boys should.  

We get the important stuff like '24' and 'American Idol'.  
Gavin's new word is "miiiiiiiiiiiine".  Imagine this in a cute 17 month old squealing voice while hugging object tightly to his body and running away.  All of a sudden it's not so cute.  We're learning "share" in sign language.  

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mama Milk

WARNING:  Do not watch if you object to breastfeeding!  Obviously I'm in love with breastfeeding my baby so I thought this was absolutely beautiful.  If you are reading my blog and you object, please DON'T READ MY BLOG!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday school and margaritas

Once a month I volunteer in Gabe's Sunday school classroom at my church.  Today was my turn, but Gabe decided to go to Costco with Chuck instead.  So I sat and had a picnic with Isabella and Matthew (one of my favorite-not supposed to have a favorite, I know-little boys there).  I asked Matthew if he could make me some chamomile tea, to which he replied, "Hmm, camel milk?  Let me see if I have any camel milk."  Isabella told me her favorite foods to eat for breakfast are gummy fruit snacks and sausage.  From the mouths of babes...

Just so you know, "The Reader," not so great.  I was really disappointed.  Sure, Kate Winslet won the Golden Globe for best actress, but quite possibly it's because she was nude through pretty much the whole thing.  Yeah, she's an awesome actress, but I could've written a better screenplay.  Thanks to Tori and Carlie for supplying the awesome margaritas and tacos!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Love Wednesdays

Wednesdays and Fridays are pajama days around here.  I stay home with Gavin, drink LOTS of coffee and we play and do laundry.  Today I got up pretty early and made banana hazelnut pancakes.  Yumm!!  Fridays used to be "Pampake" day for Gabe and me when he was in preschool and nowadays we just don't have time in the morning to make a hot breakfast.  Chuck will usually make about a dozen eggs in the morning and we all just eat a little bit as we wake up.  Gabe and Gavin love eggs.  

On a different note, I think Gavin is getting ready to start the potty training process.  He recognizes when he's about to poop.  He pauses whatever he's doing and looks at me and says, "Aw, maaaaaaan."  Then Gabe will say, "I think we have a stinker!"  My sweet boys.