Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Argentina, not Appalachians, silly

     Ay, yie, yie....Another unfaithful politician.  Surprised?  

     These men of such high stature, I believe, are only being pegged because of who they are.  They happen to be people in the public eye who hold a public office.  They are human.  By no means am I making light of this-Lord knows if it were my husband he'd be short one body part when I found out.  He's well aware of that, too.              
     We've been faced with a similar situation in Portland- when our openly gay mayor confessed to his sexual relationship with a much younger (some say underage at the time) intern.  (Now I need to go and get one of those new Voodoo donuts named after the scandal, "Breedlove's cock").  
     Is it that they simply believe they are invincible and can get away with anything?   Possibly that they'll be forgiven by the general public and their wife?  That they've done such a wonderful job in office that the citizens will let it slide?
     I don't think so.  I think they were just overcome by the heat of the moment.  They weren't concerned about the repercussions at the time.  It happens everyday.  Everywhere.  It's just big news because these guys are supposed to be upholding their professionalism.  It doesn't mean they're super-human.  
     I won't even get into the impact these situations will have on their community- the wife and mother in me can't get past how his family will suffer.  
     Why/how is it that a man can be sooooooo committed to and soooooooo in love with his wife, yet still allow his desires to get the best of him?  I really would like some feedback from the male perspective, please.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The love of a mother

     I read this story today in the latest edition of People magazine while standing in the checkout line at Fred Meyer.  I was almost in tears and it made me want to just rush home to nurse my baby.  If I could, I would be next in line to offer my help to this dad and baby.  I know how passionate I am about breastfeeding and I am just so touched that this dad understood how important it was to his wife to nurse their newborn.
     Gavin is now 21 months old, and while he has greatly decreased his nursing frequency, he is definitely still very interested in "mama milk".  When it's all gone he will say, "other side".  I'm not ready for this chapter of his life/our relationship to end.  Chuck is always asking "when?".  I tell him that Gavin will definitely be weaned before he goes to Kindergarten. ;)