Monday, September 21, 2009

Gratitude Challenge Challenging

     Day 1 of my 21 day Gratitude Challenge has challenged my gratitude more than the past 21 days put together!  Here's what I need to find the silver lining in:  Breanna calls for me to pick her up from dance practice.  I load up the boys (no shoes or shirt required), turn ignition key...nothing.  Battery dead.  Lights left on.  Okay, no biggie.  I call another mom that lives in our neighborhood and ask if Bree can ride home with her.  Gabe jumps out, excited that he can now stay and play with his friends.  He runs inside to get his shoes on and takes off.  Gavin and I get out and turn the doorknob...nothing.  Door locked.  Hmmm...  

     I case the perimeter of the house to find an opened window.  Only one open is the one over the kitchen sink.  I find an empty ice chest in the back of Chuck's truck that I can use to climb in.  All the while keeping an eye on Gavin to be sure he doesn't dart out into the street.  After some tricky maneuvering I make it!  Now to the door quickly to run back out and get Gavin.  He was right where I left him, thank God.  
     We go inside to cook dinner.  I'm cubing tofu while he plays at the table.  Next thing I know I hear a thump.  He fell off the chair and landed on his head.  Grrr...  He's okay now, but I had to endure ear-piercing screams for a couple minutes while I comforted him.
     Does it sound like I'm complaining?  I hope not, because I hate whiners.  Hate.  And that's a word I reserve for very special occasions.  
     Here's the silver lining:
     Didn't have to go get Bree, so I didn't have to get out of the truck in my knee highs and slippers.  Got to see how much CrossFit has helped me in my attempt to break into my own house.  (Pulled ice chest out of truck- strength.  Carried it around the side of the house- stamina.  Backed myself up into the window with a pretty awesome tricep dip- more strength.  Contorted self into rolly polly to wiggle through window without knocking down shelf, dish soap, candles, plant pot, and picture frame- flexibility, accuracy, balance, and coordination.  Jumped off counter, bobbed and weaved around toys strewn across kitchen floor, bolted out the door and around the yard to get Gavin- agility, coordination, balance.)
     Here's the tough one- what's good about Gavin falling on his head?  Um, hopefully that he did it before he got too big and would really hurt himself?  Maybe at that precise moment, I was ready to be popped with a splat of oil from the tofu and him falling off the chair forced me to rush to his side, all the while, avoiding being scalded.  Yeah, I'm going with that one.