Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Oh maaaaan!"

When I check Gavin's diaper and it's poopy I say, "Oh, man!".  So the other day I asked, "Gavin, are you poopy?"  He replied, "Oh, maaaaaaan!"  (Think: Swiper of Dora the Explorer fame)  As he's saying it he tilts his head and throws his hands down.  "Oh, maaaaan!"  When he's not poopy he doesn't say it.  He's just a little genius.  He tries to hang up Chuck's hat on the wall where it belongs.  When we're getting ready to go somewhere he goes to the closet to get his shoes.  He signs "water" when he wants water, "milk" when he wants milk and "eat" when he's hungry.   The latest trick we taught him is we say, "Raise your hand if you love Mommy."  Lo and behold, he reaches that hand up as high as he can.  Mama's boy.  Today any time Chuck asked Gabe to do something, Gabe would say, "Mom, is it okay if I ________?"  (Fill in the blank with whatever Chuck told him to do.)  It was pretty funny, but after a while Chuck looked at me and rolled his eyes.  I think we know who wears the pants around here.