Dead giveaway that it's a snow day: I'm vacuuming under the cushions of my couch. Arctic Blast '08 has arrived. We get a couple inches of snow and Portland closes up shop. Kinda funny to see considering we lived in Alaska and functioned in much worse than this every day of winter. I guess since Portland isn't used to this weather it's a big deal. The kids are psyched because they're pretty much getting an extra week of Christmas vacation.
We had a couple scary near-frostbite incidents with Gabriel. After playing outside with Chuck and Bree for a little too long he came inside screaming in agony that his hands were frozen. This lasted for a good 10 minutes. It scared the heck out of me because I'd never seen him in this much pain- even when he broke his collarbone. We googled "frostbite" and tried our best to warm his hands up but he didn't even want to run them under warm water. Through his tears he exclaimed, "I ne-ever want to go out-side e-e-ever agaaaain." As I sit here typing, Chuck is layering him up to go play outside with Cameron: 3 shirts, sweatshirt, winter coat, hat, 2 pairs of gloves.
Doodle learned how to spin in circles. Oh my goodness, could he get any cuter?!?! 2 spins and he's dizzy.
While laying in bed last night reading about Mariah Carey's Christmas traditions in Redbook I happened to stay tuned in after The Biggest Loser finale and got sucked in to the premier of "Momma's Boy". Chuck thinks Gabe and Gavin will be momma's boys. I wouldn't mind. Some of these moms were a little over the top, though. I think I can see myself more concerned about the guys who are interested in Breanna than I am with the girls interested in my boys.