Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kid Update

I went to watch Breanna's track meet yesterday.  As I sat there on the bleachers watching all these 7th and 8th grade boys and girls I was almost overcome with emotion thinking about how quickly she's growing up and that she's almost in high school!  I witnessed a girlfriend of hers (8th grader) with her boyfriends arms around her and in her pockets.  I could not believe it.  This is 8th GRADE, PEOPLE!  For the love of God!  If I saw a boy's hands on Breanna like that I would break both of his wrists.  Apparently a couple of Bree's friends have a boyfriend.  I DID NOT in 8th grade.  And the makeup some of these girls wear!?  It's Spirit Week at her school and yesterday was "Country Day".  She told me about a friend of hers (one of the girls with a boyfriend, I might add) was going to wear Daisy Dukes (with leggings underneath), cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.  Okay, is anyone with me on this?  Am I being a prude?  I just don't want her to grow up too fast.  There will be plenty of time for boys and makeup.  

     So that song on the radio "Don't Trust Me"... have you heard it?  There's a line that says, "I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fu*%ing scared of him."  Well, they play the clean version on the radio, but the other day Gabe said to me, "Mom, I know what word they say there."  I asked him how he knew that.  "I just know", he said.  I asked him what they said and he told me he couldn't say it because it was bad.  So he spelled it- "F-U-C".  "Oh, what does that mean?" I asked him.  " I don't know, but sissy told me it's the worst word."  He's so lucky to have a teenage sister. =)
     My little man, Gavin is such a little parrot these days.  He will repeat ANYTHING.  Today as I was changing his diaper he said, "dow tuch, dow tuch" (don't touch).  I figured that was something he's learning from Aimee, his daycare provider.  Gabe asked him, "Gavin, what's that?"  (referring to his pee-pee) and Gavin replied, "dow tuch".  Great.  He thinks his penis is called "don't touch".  He hums the tune to "Dirty Little Secret".  It's Gabe's favorite song on Rock Band, so Gavin has it memorized.  He loves to play the drums.  
     When I put his food on his high chair tray he points to the drawer and says "fork".  He's learned "apple juice" although I don't think he's ever had it here.  So cute to hear him talk!  He thinks his sock and pants are called "sockson" and "pantson" because I say "let's put your socks on".  When he sees my coffee cup he says "hottee, hottee, hottee".  I ask him "what's Aimee's dog's name?" and he says "Beshie" (Bessie).  I can ask him who his friends are at daycare and he says "Sara", "Autin" (Austin), "Jack", "AIMEE!!"  He loves Aimee.  I hear my little Doodle waking up.  Gotta' go!