Friday, May 15, 2009

Dragging my heels

I consider my blog an online journal-a way to keep notes everyday on our lives.  But why do I find it so difficult to post more often?  I feel like each and every post must be super-exciting or, what's the point?

I'm going to try to get over that and post more often.

Let's play catch-up:
19 days of school left for Bree and Gabe.  Bree leaves for Georgia June 13th.  I just can't imagine her not being here.  She is just such a fixture here and although I have to respect her relationship with her father it's just so hard to let her go.  She won't be gone as long this summer, but nonetheless...

Bree's trying out for the Hilhi (Hillsboro High) Spartan Stars Dance Team.  She's been coming home each night to show me the dance she's learning.  This is the closest she can come to being a cheerleader without actually being a cheerleader, so she's okay with that.

Gabe. Gabe. Gabe.  Ugggg...  This little man is giving me a run for my money.  Constant battle of wills.  EVERYTHING is an argument.  "Why (fill in the blank)?",  "Can I just....(whatever)",  "How come I can't....(use your imagination)?",  "But MOM!!"  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!  I'm saying the serenity prayer quite often these days.  I know it's just a phase.  Nap time doesn't come often enough.  

Then there's Doodle (Poodle, Pumpkin, Poopers, etc.).  Mr. Gavin!  Oh, this kid just makes my cheeks hurt and belly ache from laughing so hard at the things he says and does.  He understands absolutely everything and communicates very well.  He knows tons of words.  He knows how to get a laugh out of us.  He loves dance.  He loves his brother and sister and Daddy and Mama!  Each time I see him (getting him up in the morning or after a nap, picking him up from daycare) is like Christmas morning.  Probably because he can't talk back (yet).  

Mother's Day this year took on a renewed meaning to me.  I don't know if I can quite explain why.  Maybe because I've been so busy with work and  it gave me the opportunity to really revel in my role as "Mom", my most important role.   If I lost everything today I would still have more than I need in my kids, my husband, and my faith.