Day 1 of my 21 day Gratitude Challenge has challenged my gratitude more than the past 21 days put together! Here's what I need to find the silver lining in: Breanna calls for me to pick her up from dance practice. I load up the boys (no shoes or shirt required), turn ignition key...nothing. Battery dead. Lights left on. Okay, no biggie. I call another mom that lives in our neighborhood and ask if Bree can ride home with her. Gabe jumps out, excited that he can now stay and play with his friends. He runs inside to get his shoes on and takes off. Gavin and I get out and turn the doorknob...nothing. Door locked. Hmmm...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Gratitude Challenge Challenging
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Argentina, not Appalachians, silly
Ay, yie, yie....Another unfaithful politician. Surprised?
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 8:18 PM
Friday, June 5, 2009
The love of a mother
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 9:19 PM
Labels: nursing toddler
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Celebration of Life
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dragging my heels
I consider my blog an online journal-a way to keep notes everyday on our lives. But why do I find it so difficult to post more often? I feel like each and every post must be super-exciting or, what's the point?
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 10:33 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Kid Update
I went to watch Breanna's track meet yesterday. As I sat there on the bleachers watching all these 7th and 8th grade boys and girls I was almost overcome with emotion thinking about how quickly she's growing up and that she's almost in high school! I witnessed a girlfriend of hers (8th grader) with her boyfriends arms around her and in her pockets. I could not believe it. This is 8th GRADE, PEOPLE! For the love of God! If I saw a boy's hands on Breanna like that I would break both of his wrists. Apparently a couple of Bree's friends have a boyfriend. I DID NOT in 8th grade. And the makeup some of these girls wear!? It's Spirit Week at her school and yesterday was "Country Day". She told me about a friend of hers (one of the girls with a boyfriend, I might add) was going to wear Daisy Dukes (with leggings underneath), cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. Okay, is anyone with me on this? Am I being a prude? I just don't want her to grow up too fast. There will be plenty of time for boys and makeup.
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 2:20 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Holy crap... I was this girl
Proof positive that I am NOT a morning person.. let alone, morning exerciser. This was me this morning at the gym. Hurt my ego more than anything. The guy beside me had to hit my emergency stop button because all I could think was, "get up, Shelly, get up, Shelly" as I hung on for dear life. Thinking back, it was pretty funny. Thank goodness it was 7am on a Saturday morning and there weren't too many people there.
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 12:59 PM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I.R.S B.S.

Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 4:34 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bootius Laximus
Here's what the kids are learning these days:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Round boobs
Breanna told us a funny story the other day of something Gabe said to her. A couple times a week she lets him sleep with her, which he loooooves. So, this particular night, he got in bed and then she turned off the light and got into bed. At this point, she pulled her bra out from under her shirt and threw it across the room. Gabe asked, "what was that?" Bree said, "nothing..." To which Gabe replied, "was that the thing that makes your boobs round?"
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 9:03 PM
Labels: Bree and Gabe
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Who is this little Jewish man?
The other night Chuck pulled into the driveway after work and came in the front door-only it wasn't him... it was a bald, little Jewish man with a lisp.
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 7:42 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Nagging Women
There's a really funny Diet Coke (or Pepsi?) commercial on the radio right now. It's a woman explaining how men may feel as though we are nagging or "know-it-all's". She urges men to understand that it's really just us loving you so much that we want you to be the best you can be. I was laughing out loud, all alone in my kitchen one day. She goes on to say, "We care for you so much.... It's just us being unselfish with our knowledge of what you're doing wrong." Oh my gosh, it took me a moment to compose myself. Very, very clever. And true. =)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Froot Loop necklace and Dr. Seuss
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 10:48 PM
Labels: Gabe Kindergarten
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Pink Underwear
Seems like overnight Breanna has become a different girl. As I unload her clothes from the dryer I reach into the sea of colors: hot pink, florescent orange, key lime, sunshine yellow- and that's just one pair of underwear! Boy shorts. I think she knows they are going to peek out when she sits down so she wants to make sure they're cute. I make her do the "sit test" in the dressing room before I "o.k." a pair of jeans. "Crack kills" as she would say.
Friday, February 20, 2009
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Gabriel asked me today, very casually while eating lunch, "Mom, why do people's hearts stop beating?" Rather than blurt out the first thing that came to my mind, "Because everyone has to die at some point", I took a moment to form my response in my head. "Probably because God needed them in Heaven." "Why?" was of course, the next obvious question. "I don't know", I said (which I realize I'm using way too often lately which makes him usually defer to Chuck for the answer). "Maybe because he needs a new angel." He pondered that for a moment, then between bites of his egg burrito said, "I hope I go to Heaven." "You will," I assured him. "Do you know how I know you'll go to Heaven?" I asked him. "How?" he asked. "Because you were baptized," I said. A grin came across his face, then a split second later dissipated when he realized he'd thought of something. "But you're not," he said. "Yes I am. Remember when I was baptized at BCC? (Beaverton Christian Church)" "Oh yeah, " he replied, "Just not in the Catholic church."
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 10:11 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fox Channel 12
So we ditched Dish Network and now only get local channels. Totally fine by us- the only one who's really ticked is Gabe because we're cut off from SpongeBob. He's learning to color and play ball instead like 6 year old boys should.
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 8:17 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mama Milk
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 3:04 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday school and margaritas
Once a month I volunteer in Gabe's Sunday school classroom at my church. Today was my turn, but Gabe decided to go to Costco with Chuck instead. So I sat and had a picnic with Isabella and Matthew (one of my favorite-not supposed to have a favorite, I know-little boys there). I asked Matthew if he could make me some chamomile tea, to which he replied, "Hmm, camel milk? Let me see if I have any camel milk." Isabella told me her favorite foods to eat for breakfast are gummy fruit snacks and sausage. From the mouths of babes...
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 7:44 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I Love Wednesdays
Wednesdays and Fridays are pajama days around here. I stay home with Gavin, drink LOTS of coffee and we play and do laundry. Today I got up pretty early and made banana hazelnut pancakes. Yumm!! Fridays used to be "Pampake" day for Gabe and me when he was in preschool and nowadays we just don't have time in the morning to make a hot breakfast. Chuck will usually make about a dozen eggs in the morning and we all just eat a little bit as we wake up. Gabe and Gavin love eggs.
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 8:56 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
As I sit here with my fingers frozen to the bone I 'm searching for sunny, summertime pics to warm me up. Here are a few of our summer at the beach. This was Gavin's first time and yes, he wanted to eat the sand
Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 4:25 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009

Posted by Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro at 1:38 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My new 'do
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Today's list
Things I'm loving right now:
- Nerf- because when I'm sitting on the floor putting my shoes on and Gavin runs up to me to throw a ball at my head it doesn't hurt.
- Seneca Crispy Apple Chips- "Yumm-o!" (to quote one of my favorite foodies-Rachael Ray). You must try the Gingerbread and the Cinnamon flavor. Supposedly healthier for you than regular chips, but still a lot of fat.
- my new haircut- I think Gennie got it right. pics coming soon...
- Jack Bauer- 24 returns tomorrow night! Then American Idol next week. OMG, life as I know it is over. My nights will no longer be mine.